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Amrita Hospital has given 43,000 doses of vaccine to the state government as part of the COVID-19 relief activities undertaken by the Mata Amritanandamayi Math on Sunday. The vaccines, which total Rs 2.71 crore in value, was given to the government from the hospital's corporate social responsibility funds.

Dr. Prem Nair, Medical Director, Amrita Hospital, said the hospital decided to give the additional 43,000 doses over the 10% of vaccine doses pledged to the state pool following a request from the state government. Last year Amrita Hospital joined hands with the district administration and health department to provide free vaccination for health workers. 

Amrita Hospital was the first private hospital in the country to collaborate with the government under the private-public partnership to promote COVID-19 vaccination. Later, Amrita joined hands with Ernakulam District Panchayat and introduced facilities for the general public to get vaccinated. Millions of people have been vaccinated at the hospital. Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, Vice-Chairman of the Math, said that a total of Rs 85 crore has been provided by the Ashram towards COVID relief work since the onset of the epidemic.

Since 2020, the Mata Amritanandamayi Math has spent more than Rs 85 crores on  COVID relief efforts. This includes the contribution of Rs 10 Crore to the PM CARES fund and Rs 3 Crore to the Chief Minister's Disaster Relief Fund.