Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS Kochi), being one of the twelve Regional Training Centres (RTC) in India as well as an AMC (Adverse drug reaction Monitoring Centre) under PvPI (Pharmacovigilance Program of India), conducted their second advanced level one-day training program titled “TARGETED PHARMCOVIGILANCE” at Amriteshwari hall on 11 th December 2023. This event was a collaborative effort with Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC), Ghaziabad, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, and was open only to the Coordinators/Deputy coordinators and Pharmacovigilance associates of 54 AMCs across Kerala. Organized by a vibrant team under the astute leadership of Dr.Princy Louis Palatty (RTC and AMC coordinator of AIMS Kochi), the inaugural program witnessed the presence of various dignitaries including Dr P G Nayar (Emeritus Professor), Dr Beena KV (Additional Medical Superintendent) Dr (Brig) Ajoy Menon (Senior Medical Administrator) and Bri Sai Bala (Nursing Director) Around 80 delegates participated in this event which had the privilege of hosting an illuminative talk by Dr Jai Prakash, Senior Principal Scientific officer from IPC Ghaziabad. AIMS Kochi was specifically lauded for becoming one of the top- most ADR reporting centres of our country during the year 2023 and the training sessions, led by eminent academicians, were specifically designed to enable the delegates in tackling drug related adverse events in a more effective manner.

Dr.Jai Prakash
Officer in charge, PVPI & Sr.PSO IPC,Ghaziabad

Dr. Sathyajith G. Nair
Addl Professor, Paediatrics

Dr. Dipu T S
Associate Professor, Infectious Diseases

Dr.Monisha H
Asst Professor, Hemato Oncology

Dr.Radhamani K.
Emeritus Professor, OBG

Dr. Vinita Murali
Asso Professor,OBG

Dr. Aswathy S
Professor & Head,Community Medicine

Dr. Princy Louis Palatty

Dr. M. P. Narmadha
AMC-Deputy Coordinator

MDMC-Deputy Coordinator

Dr. Mahesh Kumar D

Ms.Tintu T.S
Pharmacovigilance Associate

Dr Prem Nair
Provost & Group Medical Director

Dr. Gireesh Kumar K. P
Principal, Amrita School of medicine

Dr.Sabitha M
Principal, Amrita School of Pharmacy