Lung Transplantation

Lung Transplantation

Services Offered


Lung transplant refers to the surgical technique used to replace a sick or failing lung with a healthy lung, often from a deceased donor. Lung transplants are only prescribed for patients whose illnesses have not considerably improved despite receiving other drugs or therapies. 

A lung transplant may entail either one or both lungs being replaced, depending on the patient's health. In some circumstances, a donor heart and the lungs may be placed together. Lung transplant refers to the surgical technique used to replace a sick or failing lung with a healthy lung, often from a deceased donor. Lung transplants are only prescribed for patients whose illnesses have not considerably improved despite receiving other drugs or therapies. 

Services Offered

Type of Lung Transplantion 

  • Single Lung Transplant
  • Double Lung Transplant
  • Bilateral Sequential
  • Heart-Lung Transplant

Risk Involved 

Lung transplant surgery is one of the major procedures that has a lot of potential dangers, like many other surgeries. Before doing surgery, a doctor will go over with the patient if the procedure's dangers outweigh its advantages.

The greatest danger of a lung transplant is organ rejection. This occurs when the donor lung is attacked by the immune system as though it were a disease. The donated lung may fail if there is severe rejection.

Other risks for Lung Transplant Surgery Includes 

  • Bleeding and blood clots 
  • Cancer and malignancies because of immunosuppressants 
  • Diabetes 
  • Kidney damage 
  • Stomach problems 
  • Thinning of the bones (osteoporosis) 


Lung transplant refers to the surgical technique used to replace a sick or failing lung with a healthy lung, often from a deceased donor. Lung transplants are only prescribed for patients whose illnesses have not considerably improved despite receiving other drugs or therapies. 

A lung transplant may entail either one or both lungs being replaced, depending on the patient's health. In some circumstances, a donor heart and the lungs may be placed together. Lung transplant refers to the surgical technique used to replace a sick or failing lung with a healthy lung, often from a deceased donor. Lung transplants are only prescribed for patients whose illnesses have not considerably improved despite receiving other drugs or therapies. 

Services Offered

Type of Lung Transplantion 

  • Single Lung Transplant
  • Double Lung Transplant
  • Bilateral Sequential
  • Heart-Lung Transplant

Risk Involved 

Lung transplant surgery is one of the major procedures that has a lot of potential dangers, like many other surgeries. Before doing surgery, a doctor will go over with the patient if the procedure's dangers outweigh its advantages.

The greatest danger of a lung transplant is organ rejection. This occurs when the donor lung is attacked by the immune system as though it were a disease. The donated lung may fail if there is severe rejection.

Other risks for Lung Transplant Surgery Includes 

  • Bleeding and blood clots 
  • Cancer and malignancies because of immunosuppressants 
  • Diabetes 
  • Kidney damage 
  • Stomach problems 
  • Thinning of the bones (osteoporosis)