How accurate are the diagnoses provided in the laboratory services department?
How are ear, nose, and throat disorders diagnosed and treated?
How can emergency medicine help during a medical emergency?
How can an ENT help with sinus issues?
How can I ensure that my oral health is taken care of effectively?
How can I improve my oral health at home?
How long will I have to wait before I can see a doctor or specialist?
Are there any specific instructions I need to follow before a medical procedure or surgery?
What are the visiting hours, and are there any restrictions on the number of visitors or length of visit?
How can I obtain information about my medical condition or treatment plan?
What are the visiting hours for the ICU, and can I get updates on the patient's condition?
How can I prevent future skin damage?
How can infectious diseases be prevented?
How can rehabilitation help with recovery after surgery or injury?
How compassionate is the care provided by the expert psychiatry team at Amrita Hospital, Faridabad?
How does internal medicine manage hypertension?
How do physical medicine and rehabilitation enhance the functional abilities of patients?
How effective is the post-surgery or post-trauma care provided in the physical medicine and rehabilitation department?
How often should I schedule dental check-ups?
How safe and noninvasive are the radioactive substances used in nuclear medicine?
What are some common respiratory symptoms that require medical attention?
What are some examples of life-threatening medical emergencies?
What are the most common skin conditions treated by a dermatologist?
What are the most common surgical options offered by general surgery?
What is laparoscopic surgery, and what are its benefits?
What is the difference between anaesthesia and sedation?
What is the process of diagnosis for mental health disorders?
What is the role of transfusion medicine in blood transfusions?
What types of aesthetic or reconstructive enhancements are provided in the plastic and reconstructive surgery department?
What types of eye conditions are treated in the ophthalmology department?
What types of injuries or conditions are treated in the physical medicine and rehabilitation department?
What is the process of canceling or rescheduling an appointment?
Can I have a copy of my medical records? If yes, what is the process?
How can I pre-register for a visit or appointment?
Does the hospital accept insurance? If yes, which ones?
Does the hospital have an intensive care unit (ICU)?
Does the hospital offer home health care services?
Does the hospital offer interpreter services?
Does the hospital offer telemedicine services?
How do I contact the hospital after hours?
How do I find my way around the hospital?
How does the hospital handle medical emergencies for patients with disabilities?
How does the hospital handle medical emergencies?
How long should I expect to wait for my appointment?
What are the accepted forms of payment?
What are the hospital's policies on advance directives?
What are the hospital's policies on end-of-life care?
What are the hospital's policies on financial assistance or charity care?
What are the hospital's policies on overnight stays?
What are the hospital's policies on patient rights?
What are the hospital's policies on patient safety and quality of care?
What are the hospital's policies on wheelchair accessibility?
What are the hospital's visiting hours?
What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about my care?
What do I do if I have an emergency?
What do I need to bring for my appointment?
What is the hospital's policy on blood donation?
What is the hospital's policy on family involvement in patient care?
What is the hospital's policy on food and beverage consumption?
What is the hospital's policy on infection control?
What is the hospital's policy on organ donation?
What is the hospital's policy on patient discharge?
What should I do if I am running late for my appointment?
What should I do if I need to be admitted to the hospital?
Yes we have a dedicated team to support International patients in the Hospital
Yes we usual encourage our patients to send their medical report is advance so that we can have it evaluated by our team of consultants and share the treatment plan and cost estimate.
Yes, you can connect to us digitally for follow up.
Yes we provide interpreter assistance due the course of treatment in the hospital.
Our International patient management team will coordinate your airport transfers
You can access Medical records and reports on request, you would be requested to send an email to our International desk and reports will be forwarded to you.
We encourage all patients to travel by obtaining Medical Visa. The hospital shall share invitation letter to you. You can submit the required Visa application document along with the invitation letter to Indian embassy in country of origin.
For booking appointment kindly use the link,
On receiving your travel details our team will work with the treating consultants to fix dates convenient to you.
Complete the Medical Opinion/Appointment Request Form.
Medical Report, Films and Pathology Slides
Appointment Confirmation
The patient’s confidentiality regarding his/her treatment is vital and is of prime importance to us. It is the right of an individual that his/her personal and medical information is kept private and confidential. We take at most care to maintain patient privacy. All medical records are kept confidential between the patient and hospital.
Patient planning to visit hospital after completed the Visa process.
Patients consult with consultant for admission.
After treatment completed will patient discharge.
English, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Arabic, Maldives language, Srilankan
Web Link:
Payment are accepted either in Card/Cash. You can also transfer fund to the hospital account before your travel. International patient team will coordinate with you during the payment process.
Follow up care is initial for all patients to ensure his/her recovery is complete. The patient in advises to follow the instructions of the treating consultant.
Patient can choose from various room categories available in the hospital, Private A/c, deluxe rooms and super deluxe rooms. One accompanying family member can stay along with patient on admission. If more than one family members are travelling they can avail our Guest house facility which is within the hospital campus.
Our hospital offer a full fledge laboratory services which include Biochemistry and Haematology laboratory, Histopathology and Cytopathology, Microbiology and Serology labs, Metabolic Disorders Laboratory, Cytogenetics lab, Molecular Biology , Toxicology and Poison Control Centre, Blood banking and Transfusion medicine.
no data

نعم لدينا في المستشفى طاقم متخصص يسهّل الأمور للمرضى الأجانب.
نعم أننا نشجّع عادة مرضانا على إرسال تقاريرهم الطبية بصورة مسبقة، حتى يتمكن فريق الاخصائيين لدينا من تقييمها ووضع خطة العلاج والتكلفة المتوقعة.
نعم، يمكنكم التواصل معنا رقمياً للمتابعة.
نعم، أننا نقدم مساعدة مترجم خلال كامل فترة العلاج في المستشفى.
يهتم فريق إدارة المرضى الأجانب في المستشفى بترتيب تنقلاتكم من والى المطار، والى أماكن أخرى.
يمكنكم الحصول على السجلات والتقارير الطبية غب الطلب. سيُطلب منكم إرسال البريد الإلكتروني إلى قسمنا المخصص للأجانب فيتم إستعماله لإرسال التقارير إليكم.
إننا نشجع جميع المرضى على السفر عن طريق الحصول على تأشيرة طبية. نساعدكم في ذلك من خلال إرسال كتاب دعوة اليكم لتقديمه مع طلبكم للتأشيرة الطبيّة لدى السفارة الهندية في بلدكم.
لحجز المواعيد يرجى استخدام الرابط:
فور تلقينا موعد سفركم، يتواصل فريق خدمة الأجانب مع الأطباء لتحديد المواعيد السريعة التي تناسبكم.
تعبئة نموذج طلب الإستشارة/الموعد الطبي تقديم التقارير والصور والفحوصات الطبية تأكيد الموعد
إن خصوصية المريض والسرية المتعلقة بصحته وعلاجه، أمران أساسيان بالنسبة له، ويستحوزان على إهتمام عالٍ من قبلنا لصونهما وحمايتهما. فمن حق الفرد أن يُحافَظ على المعلومات الشخصية والطبية الخاصة به وعلى سريَّتها. أننا نحرص أشد الحرص على حماية خصوصية المريض. جميع السجلات الطبية للمرضى في المستشفى تظل محاطة بالسريّة التامة.
المريض يحضّر لزيارة المستشفى بعد الحصول على تأشيرة السفر.
المريض يتشاور مع مندوب المستشفى لتسجيل الدخول اليها.
بعد الإنتهاء من العلاج إتمام معاملات الخروج من المستشفى
الإنجليزية، الفرنسية، الهندية، العربية، التاميلية، المالايالامية، لغات المالديف، السريلانكية
رابط الويب:
يمكن الدفع بواسطة بطاقات الإئتمان أو نقدًا. يمكنكم أيضًا تحويل الأموال إلى حساب المستشفى قبل سفركم. يقوم مكنب المرضى الأجانب بالتنسيق معكم لمتابعة عمليّة الدفع.
بعد إتمام العلاج ومغادرة المستشفى تجرى متابعة للرعاية للتأكد من التعافي الكامل للمريض. وينصح المريض باتباع تعليمات طبيبه المعالج.
يمكن للمريض الاختيار من بين فئات الغرف المتوفرة في المستشفى: غرف مع مكييف خاص، غرف ديلوكس، وغرف سوبر ديلوكس. يمكن لشخص واحد من أفراد الأسرة المرافقين البقاء والنوم مع المريض في الغرفة. في حال كان عدد المرافقين أكبر، يمكنهم السكن في إحدى الشقق المخصصة للضيوف الأجانب في أحد المباني المجاورة ضمن حرم المستشفى.
يقدم المستشفى خدمات مختبرية كاملة من الطراز العالمي، تشمل: مختبر الكيمياء الحيوية والدمويات، مختبر الهيستوباثولوجيا والباثُولُوجْيا الخَلَوِيَّة، مختبر المِكْروبيولوجيا والأمصال، مختبر الاضطرابات الأيضية، مختبر الوراثة الخلوية، البيولوجيا الجزيئية، مركز علم السموم ومراقبة السموم، وبنك الدم وطب نقل الدم.