Paediatric Orthopaedics and Deformity Correction

Paediatric Orthopaedics and Deformity Correction

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The Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics at Amrita Hospital, Faridabad provides superspeciality services for bony and joint problems of children( Neonate to 18 years) and deformity corrections ( all ages).

Department has dedicated experts with vast clinical experience who specialize in accurate diagnosis and treatment of bone, joint and muscle (musculoskeletal) problems in paediatric age( neoborn to 18 years). Department has latest technology for Non-operative and Operative management of paediatric trauma and variety of other Paediatric orthopaedic ailments. Its dedicated specialists offer best clinical judgement, treatment prudence and best clinical results.

Dedicated Deformity Correction Clinic & Centre in department is first of its kind in entire North India to cater to Deformity Corrections exclusively. Its experts are known for best clinical results in field of deformity corrections. Limb Deformities are treated using state of art technology and result oriented approach. Wide variety of limb deformities ranging from congenital, post traumatic, infective, developmental, Cerebral palsy cases etc are prudently treated using best of clinical judgement.

Limb reconstructions and Ilizarov Surgeries are being done using world class technologies and internationally acclaimed surgical techniques. Limb Reconstructions are done in cases with Open fracture, extensive skin and soft tissue loss, Bone loss, severe Bone destruction, congenital deformities, limb length discrepancies, acquired deformities, developmental deformities. Department faculty is known for best clinical results in field of limb reconstructions and Ilizarov Surgeries.

Diseases treated

Paediatric Trauma and Fractures ( <18 years)

  • Non-operative  treatment by Plaster, Operative Treatment , Minimally invasive surgeries for children’s fractures, TENS nailing, Plating 
  •  Upper limb Fractures in children – supracondylar fracture humerus and other elbow fractures, forearm bone fractures, Wrist fractures 
  • Lower limb fractures in children - Hip fractures, Femur Fractures, fractures around knee, Tibia/Leg bone fractures, ankle injuries  etc
  • Growth plate injuries in children, Deformity prevention and Correction after injuries 


Deformities – Upper limb & Lower limb 

  • Deformities around knee-  Genu Valgus( Knock knees) and Genu Varus ( Bow legs) , Minimally invasive and accurate correction surgeries
  • Deformities around elbow – Cubitus varus and cubitus valgus, Old trauma to elbow 
  • Deformities around wrist and hand - Club hand ,  Distal radius growth arrest 
  • Growing child issues 


Paediatric Hip conditions 

  • Developmental dysplasia of hip reconstructions 
  • Perthes disease , Slipped capital femoral epiphysis 
  • Coxa vara , Hip joint Infection sequelae 
  • Pelvis Support Osteotomy & Limp correction surgeries 
  • Old trauma around hip and hip joint restoration 


Clubfoot/CTEV and Other paediatric ankle/foot problems 

  • CTEV correction by Ponseti method of Casting 
  • CTEV recurrence correction , Tendon transfer surgeries
  • Minimally invasive soft tissue and bony surgeries for CTEV
  • Flat foot  , foot and ankle malalignment


Cerebral palsy 

  • Toe walking Correction, Equinus correction surgery, Crouch gait correction , Hip Scissoring correction 
  • Botox injections , Tendon lengthening surgeries, Tendon Transfer Surgery, 
  • Intoeing gait correction 


Congenital conditions 

  • Limb deficiency and deformities  e.g. Tibial Hemimalia, fibular hemimalia, Congenital psuedoarthasis of Tibia, Ankle and foot disorders, 
  • Upper limb deficiency’s 
  • Osteogenesis imperfacta 


Limb lengthening and length equalisation surgeries 

  • Limb lengthenings
  • Growth modulation surgeries 


Bone Infections 

  • Osteomyelitis treatment and surgeries 
  • Joint infections 
  • Debridement & Antibiotic bead surgery 


Ilizarov surgeries 

  • Nonunions , Malunions, Gap nonunions 
  • Infected non-union, 
  • Periarticular Deformity corrections 


Software guided deformity corrections using hexapods 

  • Complex long bone fractures, nonunion’s, malunion’s
  • Complex multiplanar deformities 
  • Complex periarticular deformities 
  • Limb lengthening’s , Height Increasing Surgery

Why Choose us

  • Experience and Expertise : Our team of paediatric Orthopaedicians is highly skilled and experienced in treating variety of paediatric Orthopaedic Problems. They are adept at managing most complex cases with best possible results.
  • Patient Centric Approach : each and every concern of child and parents is taken care of. Parents are duly involved and informed at every step of Decision making process.
  • Advanced technology : we offer state of art technology and surgical advances for best possible treatment results. It ensures minimal risks and maximum comfort to patient. 
  • Team work : Our support teams like Paediatrician, Paediatric ICU, Paediatric cardiologist, Therapists and other specialists are always available for coordinated and comprehensive care. It ensures best possible treatment and results even in most complex diseases.  


  • Paediatric Orthopaedics OPD services 
  • Emergency management and surgeries for paediatric Trauma and Other emergencies 
  • Rehabilitation and post surgery care 
  • Education and Counselling support for orthopaedic problems of kids

Special Clinics

  1. Cerebral Palsy Clinic ( Monday )
    • Botox Injections, Equinus( Toe walking), Intoeing gait, Knee flexion contracture, Crouch gait, Scissoring gait, Tendon transfers, Single event Multilevel surgery, Hip dislocation correction , Thumb in palm position, Wrist & Elbow Problems
  2. Deformity Correction & Limb Reconstruction Clinic ( all ages ) ( Wednesday)
    • Congenital deformities like Congenital Pseudarthrosis of Tibia, Tibial Hemimalia, Fibular Hemimalia, Congenital short femur etc
    • Acquired deformities e.g. malunion, Nonunions, Cubitus varus, Cubitus valgus, Knock Knees, Bow legs, deformities associated with Old Physeal Injuries
    • Ilizarov Surgeries, Hexpod assisted deformity Corrections, Software guided Deformity Corrections, Robotic Deformity Corrections
  3. Clubfoot/CTEV & Paediatric Ankle Foot Clinic ( Saturday)
    • Ponseti Method of Clubfoot Casting, Tenotomy, Tendon transfers, Recurrent CTEV correction, Clubfoot Bracing


Dr. Pritish Singh
Professor & Division Head of Paediatric Orthopaedics
MBBS, MS ( Orthopaedics) Deformity Corrections, Ilizarov Surgery


The Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics at Amrita Hospital, Faridabad provides superspeciality services for bony and joint problems of children( Neonate to 18 years) and deformity corrections ( all ages).

Department has dedicated experts with vast clinical experience who specialize in accurate diagnosis and treatment of bone, joint and muscle (musculoskeletal) problems in paediatric age( neoborn to 18 years). Department has latest technology for Non-operative and Operative management of paediatric trauma and variety of other Paediatric orthopaedic ailments. Its dedicated specialists offer best clinical judgement, treatment prudence and best clinical results.

Dedicated Deformity Correction Clinic & Centre in department is first of its kind in entire North India to cater to Deformity Corrections exclusively. Its experts are known for best clinical results in field of deformity corrections. Limb Deformities are treated using state of art technology and result oriented approach. Wide variety of limb deformities ranging from congenital, post traumatic, infective, developmental, Cerebral palsy cases etc are prudently treated using best of clinical judgement.

Limb reconstructions and Ilizarov Surgeries are being done using world class technologies and internationally acclaimed surgical techniques. Limb Reconstructions are done in cases with Open fracture, extensive skin and soft tissue loss, Bone loss, severe Bone destruction, congenital deformities, limb length discrepancies, acquired deformities, developmental deformities. Department faculty is known for best clinical results in field of limb reconstructions and Ilizarov Surgeries.

Diseases treated

Paediatric Trauma and Fractures ( <18 years)

  • Non-operative  treatment by Plaster, Operative Treatment , Minimally invasive surgeries for children’s fractures, TENS nailing, Plating 
  •  Upper limb Fractures in children – supracondylar fracture humerus and other elbow fractures, forearm bone fractures, Wrist fractures 
  • Lower limb fractures in children - Hip fractures, Femur Fractures, fractures around knee, Tibia/Leg bone fractures, ankle injuries  etc
  • Growth plate injuries in children, Deformity prevention and Correction after injuries 


Deformities – Upper limb & Lower limb 

  • Deformities around knee-  Genu Valgus( Knock knees) and Genu Varus ( Bow legs) , Minimally invasive and accurate correction surgeries
  • Deformities around elbow – Cubitus varus and cubitus valgus, Old trauma to elbow 
  • Deformities around wrist and hand - Club hand ,  Distal radius growth arrest 
  • Growing child issues 


Paediatric Hip conditions 

  • Developmental dysplasia of hip reconstructions 
  • Perthes disease , Slipped capital femoral epiphysis 
  • Coxa vara , Hip joint Infection sequelae 
  • Pelvis Support Osteotomy & Limp correction surgeries 
  • Old trauma around hip and hip joint restoration 


Clubfoot/CTEV and Other paediatric ankle/foot problems 

  • CTEV correction by Ponseti method of Casting 
  • CTEV recurrence correction , Tendon transfer surgeries
  • Minimally invasive soft tissue and bony surgeries for CTEV
  • Flat foot  , foot and ankle malalignment


Cerebral palsy 

  • Toe walking Correction, Equinus correction surgery, Crouch gait correction , Hip Scissoring correction 
  • Botox injections , Tendon lengthening surgeries, Tendon Transfer Surgery, 
  • Intoeing gait correction 


Congenital conditions 

  • Limb deficiency and deformities  e.g. Tibial Hemimalia, fibular hemimalia, Congenital psuedoarthasis of Tibia, Ankle and foot disorders, 
  • Upper limb deficiency’s 
  • Osteogenesis imperfacta 


Limb lengthening and length equalisation surgeries 

  • Limb lengthenings
  • Growth modulation surgeries 


Bone Infections 

  • Osteomyelitis treatment and surgeries 
  • Joint infections 
  • Debridement & Antibiotic bead surgery 


Ilizarov surgeries 

  • Nonunions , Malunions, Gap nonunions 
  • Infected non-union, 
  • Periarticular Deformity corrections 


Software guided deformity corrections using hexapods 

  • Complex long bone fractures, nonunion’s, malunion’s
  • Complex multiplanar deformities 
  • Complex periarticular deformities 
  • Limb lengthening’s , Height Increasing Surgery

Why Choose us

  • Experience and Expertise : Our team of paediatric Orthopaedicians is highly skilled and experienced in treating variety of paediatric Orthopaedic Problems. They are adept at managing most complex cases with best possible results.
  • Patient Centric Approach : each and every concern of child and parents is taken care of. Parents are duly involved and informed at every step of Decision making process.
  • Advanced technology : we offer state of art technology and surgical advances for best possible treatment results. It ensures minimal risks and maximum comfort to patient. 
  • Team work : Our support teams like Paediatrician, Paediatric ICU, Paediatric cardiologist, Therapists and other specialists are always available for coordinated and comprehensive care. It ensures best possible treatment and results even in most complex diseases.  


  • Paediatric Orthopaedics OPD services 
  • Emergency management and surgeries for paediatric Trauma and Other emergencies 
  • Rehabilitation and post surgery care 
  • Education and Counselling support for orthopaedic problems of kids

Special Clinics

  1. Cerebral Palsy Clinic ( Monday )
    • Botox Injections, Equinus( Toe walking), Intoeing gait, Knee flexion contracture, Crouch gait, Scissoring gait, Tendon transfers, Single event Multilevel surgery, Hip dislocation correction , Thumb in palm position, Wrist & Elbow Problems
  2. Deformity Correction & Limb Reconstruction Clinic ( all ages ) ( Wednesday)
    • Congenital deformities like Congenital Pseudarthrosis of Tibia, Tibial Hemimalia, Fibular Hemimalia, Congenital short femur etc
    • Acquired deformities e.g. malunion, Nonunions, Cubitus varus, Cubitus valgus, Knock Knees, Bow legs, deformities associated with Old Physeal Injuries
    • Ilizarov Surgeries, Hexpod assisted deformity Corrections, Software guided Deformity Corrections, Robotic Deformity Corrections
  3. Clubfoot/CTEV & Paediatric Ankle Foot Clinic ( Saturday)
    • Ponseti Method of Clubfoot Casting, Tenotomy, Tendon transfers, Recurrent CTEV correction, Clubfoot Bracing


Dr. Pritish Singh
Professor & Division Head of Paediatric Orthopaedics
MBBS, MS ( Orthopaedics) Deformity Corrections, Ilizarov Surgery