Dr Rahul Katharia is Professor and Head, Department of Transfusion Medicine. He has excellent academic credentials with experience and expertise of more than 16 years in Transfusion Medicine and cellular therapy. He did his post-graduation from Sanjay Gandhi Post graduate Institute of medical Sciences, Lucknow. He has worked in as faculty at various institution namely AIIMS, Rishikesh and SPGGI, Lucknow. He has been a teacher and a trainer as well as postgraduate guide and has many research grants under his name. He is a vivid researcher with several publication is international and national journal.
He has keen interest in Telemedicine and has served as General Secretory, Telemedicine society of India, UP Chapter. He was awarded “Apheresis award winner” the best project for funding for use of telemedicine in promoting apheresis.
He has also been conferred with various awards such as Harold Gunson fellowship by international Society of Blood Transfusion and Young investigator award from Korean Society of Hematology.
- Apheresis Medicine
- Cellular therapy
- Transplant Immunology and Antenatal Serology
- 2019
Young investigator Travel Fellowship grant, ICKSH, South Korea March 2019
- 2017
Harold Gunson fellowship: Awarded By ISBT, Copenhagen June 2017: Was awarded the prestigious fellowship for my paper “ Extraction efficiency of cell separators: comparison of four equipment.
- 2018
Award for excellence, Best Speaker: ISBTI, Vizag 2018: Present a lecture on NAT PCR : Cost or investment for life.
- 2016
Apheresis Award winner for the best project submission and funding “Creation of plateletpheresis registry and use of telemedicine to promote apheresis. 2016.
- 2016
Best Oral Presentation at Joint Congress of AABB & AATM Dec 2016: Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction: The missed findings.
- 2013
Best Poster award at 2nd International Conference on patient safety, Puducherry 2013: Presented on Methods introduced in blood transfusion services to improve patient safety
- Tondon R, Katharia R, Chaudhary R. Anti M: Case Report and Review of literature. AJTS, 2008; 8: 1: 81-83.
- R Katharia, RK Chaudhary, S Das. Transfusion support in autoimmune hemolytic anemia.Asian Journal of Transfusion Science 1 (2) 2007
- S Shastry, R Katharia, A Dubey, P Elhence, RK Chaudhary. Comparison of Western blot to rapid anti-HIV testing: Usefulness in confirming true positivity. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science 1 (2) 2008
- Verma A, Pandey P, Khetan D, Katharia R, Chaudhary R & Agarwal Amita. Differential patterns of serum Fas ligand levels in blood donors. Transfusion 2008 48: 2264-65.
- Chaudhary R, Katharia R Oxidative injury as a contributory factor for red cells storage lesion during 28days of storage.. Blood Transfusion 2012; 10: 59-62.
- R Katharia, R Chaudhary, P Agarwal Pre storage gamma irradiation induces oxidative red cell injury. Transfusion and Apheresis Science 48 (1), 39-43
- V Hemlata, R Katharia, H Pandey, A Verma a Pilot Study For An Evaluation Of Rapid Blood Grouping Cards For Patients And Blood Donors
- R Katharia, RK Chaudhary Removal of antibodies from DAT positive red cells: comparison of three elution methods. Asian journal of transfusion science 7 (1), 29
- Verma A, Khetan D, Elhence P, Srivatava A, Katharia R. “ Thromboelastography as a tool for quality check of apheresis unit. AJTS Vol 16 (2) July 2016
- D Khetan, R Katharia, HC Pandey, R Chaudhary, R Harsvardhan Assessment of bedside transfusion practices at a tertiary care center: A step closer to controlling the chaos. Asian journal of transfusion science 12 (1), 27
- Hem Chandra Pandey, Rahul Katharia, Rajendra Chaudhary, Anupam Verma, . Importance of EIA Signal-To-Cut-Off (s/co) Ratio for HCV Donor Notification in Resource Poor Settings. world journal of blood 1 (1), 1003.
- Rahul Katharia, Rajendra Chaudhary. Efficacy of L carnitine in reducing the oxidative changes in red cells after gamma irradiation: Volume 4 - 2019 Issue 8 - August IJISRT
- Verma A, Katharia R*. Evaluation of various techniques for sero-diagnosis of syphilis in blood donors. Volume 4 - 2019 Issue 10 – October IJISRT
- Singh B, Chaudhary R, Katharia R* :Effect of multiple maternal red cell alloantibodies on the occurrence and severity of Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn. September 2020 Transfusion and Apheresis Science
- Solanki A, Katharia R, Agarwal P. A study of prevalence and predictors of adverse reactions in more than 5000 whole blood and apheresis donors with the perspective of donor safety in a tertiary care hospital of Northern India. January 2020 Asian Journal of Transfusion Science
- Principles of Laboratory Medicine in Introduction to Blood Transfusion: From Donor to Recipient ISBT Science Series Dec 2020
- Singh B, Katharia R, Chaudhary R, Mandhakini P "Impact of IgG Subclasses on the severity of Haemolytic Disease of Foetus and New-born": AJTS OCT 2020
- Srivastava A, Kumar S, , Agarwal A, Khetan D Katharia R. Evaluation of efficacy of Valsalva for attenuating needle puncture pain in first time non remunerated voluntary plateletpheresis donors. AJTS OCT 15(2) 2021
- Singh B, Katharia R Chaudhary R, , Elhence P. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the pattern of blood donation and blood safety: Experience from a hospital-based blood center in North India. AJTS 15(2) 2021
- A Solanki, R Katharia, A Chauhan, A Singh, T Chandra, A Sonker. Predonation drink: A simple and cost-effective strategy to mitigate vasovagal reactions among whole blood donors, a study from North India. Global Journal of Transfusion Medicine 5 (2), 146. 2021
- Kumar B, Katharia R, Chaudhary R: Plateletpheresis donor deferral pattern with emphasis on female donors: A Retrospective 4-Year Data Analysis at Tertiary Care Centre in Northern India AJTS. 2022
Singh B, Mandakini Pradhan, Rajendra Chaudhary, Rahul Katharia: Reassessing the critical anti-D antibody titer in RhD alloimmunized antenatal women: a retrospective cohort study: laboratory medicine 2022
Dr Rahul Katharia is Professor and Head, Department of Transfusion Medicine. He has excellent academic credentials with experience and expertise of more than 16 years in Transfusion Medicine and cellular therapy. He did his post-graduation from Sanjay Gandhi Post graduate Institute of medical Sciences, Lucknow. He has worked in as faculty at various institution namely AIIMS, Rishikesh and SPGGI, Lucknow. He has been a teacher and a trainer as well as postgraduate guide and has many research grants under his name. He is a vivid researcher with several publication is international and national journal.
He has keen interest in Telemedicine and has served as General Secretory, Telemedicine society of India, UP Chapter. He was awarded “Apheresis award winner” the best project for funding for use of telemedicine in promoting apheresis.
He has also been conferred with various awards such as Harold Gunson fellowship by international Society of Blood Transfusion and Young investigator award from Korean Society of Hematology.
- Apheresis Medicine
- Cellular therapy
- Transplant Immunology and Antenatal Serology
- 2019
Young investigator Travel Fellowship grant, ICKSH, South Korea March 2019
- 2017
Harold Gunson fellowship: Awarded By ISBT, Copenhagen June 2017: Was awarded the prestigious fellowship for my paper “ Extraction efficiency of cell separators: comparison of four equipment.
- 2018
Award for excellence, Best Speaker: ISBTI, Vizag 2018: Present a lecture on NAT PCR : Cost or investment for life.
- 2016
Apheresis Award winner for the best project submission and funding “Creation of plateletpheresis registry and use of telemedicine to promote apheresis. 2016.
- 2016
Best Oral Presentation at Joint Congress of AABB & AATM Dec 2016: Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction: The missed findings.
- 2013
Best Poster award at 2nd International Conference on patient safety, Puducherry 2013: Presented on Methods introduced in blood transfusion services to improve patient safety
- Tondon R, Katharia R, Chaudhary R. Anti M: Case Report and Review of literature. AJTS, 2008; 8: 1: 81-83.
- R Katharia, RK Chaudhary, S Das. Transfusion support in autoimmune hemolytic anemia.Asian Journal of Transfusion Science 1 (2) 2007
- S Shastry, R Katharia, A Dubey, P Elhence, RK Chaudhary. Comparison of Western blot to rapid anti-HIV testing: Usefulness in confirming true positivity. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science 1 (2) 2008
- Verma A, Pandey P, Khetan D, Katharia R, Chaudhary R & Agarwal Amita. Differential patterns of serum Fas ligand levels in blood donors. Transfusion 2008 48: 2264-65.
- Chaudhary R, Katharia R Oxidative injury as a contributory factor for red cells storage lesion during 28days of storage.. Blood Transfusion 2012; 10: 59-62.
- R Katharia, R Chaudhary, P Agarwal Pre storage gamma irradiation induces oxidative red cell injury. Transfusion and Apheresis Science 48 (1), 39-43
- V Hemlata, R Katharia, H Pandey, A Verma a Pilot Study For An Evaluation Of Rapid Blood Grouping Cards For Patients And Blood Donors
- R Katharia, RK Chaudhary Removal of antibodies from DAT positive red cells: comparison of three elution methods. Asian journal of transfusion science 7 (1), 29
- Verma A, Khetan D, Elhence P, Srivatava A, Katharia R. “ Thromboelastography as a tool for quality check of apheresis unit. AJTS Vol 16 (2) July 2016
- D Khetan, R Katharia, HC Pandey, R Chaudhary, R Harsvardhan Assessment of bedside transfusion practices at a tertiary care center: A step closer to controlling the chaos. Asian journal of transfusion science 12 (1), 27
- Hem Chandra Pandey, Rahul Katharia, Rajendra Chaudhary, Anupam Verma, . Importance of EIA Signal-To-Cut-Off (s/co) Ratio for HCV Donor Notification in Resource Poor Settings. world journal of blood 1 (1), 1003.
- Rahul Katharia, Rajendra Chaudhary. Efficacy of L carnitine in reducing the oxidative changes in red cells after gamma irradiation: Volume 4 - 2019 Issue 8 - August IJISRT
- Verma A, Katharia R*. Evaluation of various techniques for sero-diagnosis of syphilis in blood donors. Volume 4 - 2019 Issue 10 – October IJISRT
- Singh B, Chaudhary R, Katharia R* :Effect of multiple maternal red cell alloantibodies on the occurrence and severity of Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn. September 2020 Transfusion and Apheresis Science
- Solanki A, Katharia R, Agarwal P. A study of prevalence and predictors of adverse reactions in more than 5000 whole blood and apheresis donors with the perspective of donor safety in a tertiary care hospital of Northern India. January 2020 Asian Journal of Transfusion Science
- Principles of Laboratory Medicine in Introduction to Blood Transfusion: From Donor to Recipient ISBT Science Series Dec 2020
- Singh B, Katharia R, Chaudhary R, Mandhakini P "Impact of IgG Subclasses on the severity of Haemolytic Disease of Foetus and New-born": AJTS OCT 2020
- Srivastava A, Kumar S, , Agarwal A, Khetan D Katharia R. Evaluation of efficacy of Valsalva for attenuating needle puncture pain in first time non remunerated voluntary plateletpheresis donors. AJTS OCT 15(2) 2021
- Singh B, Katharia R Chaudhary R, , Elhence P. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the pattern of blood donation and blood safety: Experience from a hospital-based blood center in North India. AJTS 15(2) 2021
- A Solanki, R Katharia, A Chauhan, A Singh, T Chandra, A Sonker. Predonation drink: A simple and cost-effective strategy to mitigate vasovagal reactions among whole blood donors, a study from North India. Global Journal of Transfusion Medicine 5 (2), 146. 2021
- Kumar B, Katharia R, Chaudhary R: Plateletpheresis donor deferral pattern with emphasis on female donors: A Retrospective 4-Year Data Analysis at Tertiary Care Centre in Northern India AJTS. 2022
Singh B, Mandakini Pradhan, Rajendra Chaudhary, Rahul Katharia: Reassessing the critical anti-D antibody titer in RhD alloimmunized antenatal women: a retrospective cohort study: laboratory medicine 2022